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  Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt, van Gogh. These names are known to millions. You may have never seen the originals of their paintings, but you know that these people were famous artists.


  They reflected on the canvas a mysterious smile, a touching image, fragments of the beauty of nature, which still catches the eye of the audience. We are captivated by what captivated them, although there may be an abyss of centuries between us and them.
We do not have to be people of art to recognize the high skill of the artist. We, like the artist whose work we admire, have a sense of beauty.

 We treat our perception of colors, shapes, patterns and light as something ordinary, because it is a part of our lives. Undoubtedly, we like to decorate our homes with objects and paintings that are pleasing to the eye.
 The feeling of beauty is one of the qualities that distinguishes us from animals. (We perceive nature differently).


For example, have you ever thought that birds can't appreciate the beauty of the sunset? And the butterfly - to enjoy a variety of colors.
Beauty is something more than a set of electrochemical impulses that simply transmit information to our brain. We do not see a tree, a flower or a bird like an animal. Although these items do not have any special meaning for us, but they please our hearts.


 Not surprisingly, the knowledge of beauty in nature and the desire to reproduce it is inherent in all cultures - both cave artists and Impressionists. Thousands of years ago, settlers in northern Spain left behind detailed images of animals in the caves of Altamira. More than a century ago, Impressionist artists left their workshops to convey a bright variety of wildflowers on canvas.
How to perceive the world of beauty? "In all languages, one of the first words we learned was, 'Show me! Show me!' "(William White Jr.).



  However, although beauty is ubiquitous, not everyone can notice it. Sometimes, in order for us to be interested in it, we need to describe it or take a photo. In fact, many artists believe that their success lies mainly not in the ability to draw, but to notice. Maurice Grosser's "Eye of the Artist" explains that “the artist paints with his eyes, not his hands. Everything he sees, if he sees clearly, he can reflect on the canvas. (...) It is important for him to see clearly. "
So art primarily exists in nature. However, it does not exist aimlessly or accidentally. In addition to enriching our lives, it also reveals the skill, imagination, and grandeur of the world's greatest artist, the World Designer, Jehovah God. — Romans 1:20.

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